Jan 022012






January 3, 1882: John Carr defeated John Clum for mayor of Tombstone.



January 4, 1881: A committee headed by George Parsons substituted John Clum for another candidate after he withdrew from the mayor's race less than a week before the election. John was elected mayor of Tombstone with 532 out of 697 votes. Ben Sippy kept the City Marshal position in the same election.


January 6, 1880: Fred White was elected to serve as Tombstone's City Marshal. He had been serving in that capacity since November 1879.





January 13, 1929: Wyatt Earp died in Los Angeles, California.



January 14, 1881: Johnny "Behind-the-Deuce" O'Rourke shot and killed Harry Schneider at Quinn's Saloon in Charleston.




January 17, 1882: Johnny Ringo challenged "Doc" Holliday to a duel on Allen Street. Deputy U.S. Marshal Wyatt Earp, "Doc" Holliday and Johnny Ringo were arrested. Earp & Holliday by Chief of Police Dave Neagle. Ringo by James Flynn. Holliday & Ringo fined $30 apiece. Earp released.



January 24, 1882: Newly-elected Mayor John Carr issued a proclamation that informed Tombstone residents that Deputy U.S. Marshal Wyatt Earp had warrants for the arrests of "divers persons charged with criminal offenses."