Sep 012011
September 1874: After suffering through an economic downturn in Dallas, Texas, John Henry "Doc" Holliday decided to relocate. He sold his large dental equipment to his former partner, Dr. John A. Seegar and moved 75 miles or so north to Dennison.
September 1880: Coincidentally, both future sheriff Johnny Behan and "Doc" Holliday, an old friend of the Earps arrived in Tombstone.
September 1, 1851: John Philip Clum, future Apache agent, mayor of Tombstone and publisher of the Tombstone Epitaph, was born in the Hudson River Valley near Claverack, New York.
September 6, 1884: "Doc" Holliday was released after posting bail in Leadville, Colorado. He had been held in conjunction with shooting Billy Allen at Hyman's saloon on Harrison Avenue. Doc was later found not guilty of attempted murder.
September 8, 1881: Three or four masked men robbed a stagecoach just outside of Bisbee. They made off with over $3,000 in cash and valuables. A posse that consisted of Wells Fargo agent Marshall Williams, Deputy Sheriff Billy Breakenridge, Wyatt Earp and his brother Morgan set off in pursuit of the bandits. They brought in Deputy Sheriff Frank Stilwell and Pete Spence. Neither was convicted.